Candle Lighting tonight is at 5.13pm
Astronomical sunset: | 17:29:09 |
Shabbat ends 6.21pm
Bevis Marks
6.30 pm tonight
8.30 am Saturday
7.30 pm Saturday night (Pureem)
Weekday services in the morning all week.
Mon and Thurs 7.20am
other weekdays 7.25
Sundays at 9am.
Pureem was well attended,with circa 100 people at Bevis Marks for the night-time megillah reading, and around 25 for the morning service.
Shushan Pureem, unfortunately, we were only 9 at shaharith.
Tuesday Morning - we had a minyan this morning.
Wednesday morning - only 5 people attended shaharith
|Thursday morning - 13 men attended shaharith.
Friday 5 men attended
Friday night - 10 men
Saturday morning - 13 men, 9 ladies
Sunday morning - 10 men
Monday morning - 10 men
Tuesday morning - 10 men
Wednesday morning - 6 men
Pureem was well attended,with circa 100 people at Bevis Marks for the night-time megillah reading, and around 25 for the morning service.
Shushan Pureem, unfortunately, we were only 9 at shaharith.
Tuesday Morning - we had a minyan this morning.
Wednesday morning - only 5 people attended shaharith
|Thursday morning - 13 men attended shaharith.
Friday 5 men attended
Friday night - 10 men
Saturday morning - 13 men, 9 ladies
Sunday morning - 10 men
Monday morning - 10 men
Tuesday morning - 10 men
Wednesday morning - 6 men