Sunday, 13 January 2013

Attendance week of Shabbath Vaera at Bevis Marks

Friday Night at Bevis Marks was at 6.30pm 
Service was conducted by Mr der Millner

Shabbath morning at Bevis Marks at 8.30am
Zemiroth were read by Asher.
Shaharith until and including Hallel was read by Mr Schonfeld. The following section was read by LK, who also recited the Hazkaroth and Refuoth.
Sefer was read by Mr Cohen
Mussaf was read by Mr Frank Martin

The service was attended by approximately 20 gentlemen, and several ladies. The service was followed by a Kiddush in the Abraham and Sarah Lopez Dias Hall. Sam Dias thanked everyone for their participation in the service, and Mr Schonfeld gave the Debar Torah on the subject of immigrants and prejudice, with reference to Yoseph and the Jews in Mitzrayeem.

Sunday morning service was attended by 10 gentlemen, followed by a continental breakfast.  
Zemiroth were read by Mr Menashe
Shaharith was read by Rev Gingold and Mr der Millner
Birkat ha-Mazon was recited after breakfast by Rev Gingold.

Monday morning service was attended by 11 gentlemen. 
Zemiroth were read by Mr Menashe.
Shaharith was read by Mr der Millner
Sefer was read by Mr Leon Kimchi

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