Picture: The gates to the Esnoga as they were in the 1920s.
We had a minyan for Friday night. The service was lead by Shmuel, who will be returning to Italy in a week's time.
Shabbat morning the service was attended by 20 gentlemen and 16 ladies. The choir was in good form, and we had a wonderfully musical service. Various people took different parts of the service
Zemiroth - Howard Martin
Shaharith - Jeremy Schonfield
Haftarah - Frank Martin
Yimloch - Maurice Martin
Musaf - Shmuel
Birkat haMazon after Kiddush - Shmuel.
Sunday Morning: 12 gentlemen attended the service, which was lead by Izzy Menashe and Asher Samuel. After breakfast, Birkat ha-Mazon was lead by Malcolm Gingold. There were no visitors this morning, only locals.
Monday morning service at Bevis Marks was attended by 12 gentlemen. Zemiroth were read by Izzy Menashe. Shaharith was read by Malcom Gingold and Mr Kimchi.
Tuesday ,Rosh Hodesh, we had 17 gentlemen attend the service. Zemirot were read by Evan der Millner, Shaharith and Musaf by Leon Kimchi, Sefer was read by Leon Kimchi.
Wednesday 10 gentlemen attended shaharith. Zemirot were read by Evan der Millner, and Shaharith by Asher Samuel.
Thursday 12 gentlemen attended shahrith. Zemiroth were read by Izzy Menashe, and Shaharith by Malcolm Gingold.
Friday morning 8 gentlemen attended
Bevis Marks weekday morning minyan. Davven in the oldest continuously meeting congregation in Europe. We have been going since at least 1657 without interruption, and in our present synagogue since 1701.
We use the Spanish and Portuguese rite, so our service is longer than a typical Ashkenazi Shaharith.
We begin the service with Zemiroth (Pesukei D'Zimra)
Barechu and Shaharith proper commences at 07.40 - 7.45 (Mon - Fri)
We are usually finished by 08.10 to 08.15 (Mon - Fri)
After the service, we go down to the hall for a leisurely and friendly breakfast - ha-motzi is made, and we have toast, tea, coffee, jam, marmalade and usually cheese.
Weekdays Mon and Thurs 07:20,
Tues, Wed, Fri at 07:25.
Sun 09:00
2nd door on the right on Heneage Lane, EC3A 5DQ.
Sun 09:00
2nd door on the right on Heneage Lane, EC3A 5DQ.
Continental breakfast is available after the service. We finish shaharith at around 8.15am.
If you are able to join us, you would find yourself most welcome.
If you are able to join us, you would find yourself most welcome.
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